Dog Tired Today, From Garden Work
Sunday, April 13, 2014
We spent the last 2 days working in the garden. The weather is pleasant 64 F, with a light breeze. Perfect day to be outdoors, and using this time to ready the garden area. There is much left to do, however, it is great to have completed a large project.
This photo shows my small garlic patch. I think that the freeze over the winter killed most of the bulbs. I inter planted with some left over garlic cloves about 2 weeks ago. I don't know what will happen when planted in the spring...I will let you know. I am guessing that the harvest will be a couple of weeks later than normal.
This shows the broccoli and cauliflower that I planted 3 weeks ago. I like these versatile cold frames. I move them around the garden to cover plantings as the season progresses.
These potatoes are the remainder from last years harvest. I dislike the wasted produce....but we usually have some.
The tractor bucket shows the extra produce that we are putting on a compost pile. That is a problem when gardening, growing the right amount of food. It is better to have extra for the winter...purchasing the food at the grocery store is pretty expensive. My produce is organic to boot.
The artichoke's plants were killed by the freezing nights, that is something that often happens up here. I haven't decided about getting new plants...