Life Changing - Letting Go

Thursday, September 19, 2019
And so, she decided to start living the life she'd imagined | Free wallpaper downloads by This Little Street + Coco & Mingo

Melody Ross sent me this message today. It surely feels good to let go of the stuff that was pulling me away from the life I want. Maybe this project is a life-changing action.... 

Enjoy Melody's message!!

Dear Spread-Too-Thin Girl,

Is it time to pare your life down to the handful of things that mean the most to you, and let the rest go so you can give the very best of yourself to the very best things . . . instead of being spread in a too-thin layer all over the place?

Your heart knows when it’s time . . . and you will have the strength to do it.

Best of all . . . you will see enormous changes happen in your life when you let the unimportant things go and embrace the things that quietly sustain you and bring you joy.

It may not look like the most glamorous life . . . but it is one filled with joy, peace, and harmony . . . one where laughter is a welcome and frequent companion . . . one where worries are few . . . where long, meaningful conversations are many . . . one that is waiting for you when you are ready to take the steps to get there.

You can do amazing things with the simplest things. You can have so little and be so happy. You can take small amounts of time and perform life-changing acts.

Is it time to simplify?

Simplify today . . . one little thing at time. You can do it.

You are so, so loved.
